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Astro 9

Python Programming in Astronomy
UC Berkeley


The course schedule is shown below, with lecture topics and class notes listed inline. Note that all course materials can be found at the GitHub repository.

Links to lecture topics below are directed to the GitHub repository, however, lectures written with Jupyter Notebooks can also be viewed in rendered format on nbviewer.

Date Topics Notes
Mon, Jul. 3 •  Intro to Command Line Software Install
Tue, Jul. 4 Holiday, no class
Wed, Jul. 5 •  Intro to Git
Thu, Jul. 6 Intro to Python I •  Intro to Jupyter Notebooks
Mon, Jul. 10 Intro to Python II
Tue, Jul. 11 Intro to Python III
Wed, Jul. 12 Intro to Python III Homework 1 due by 3pm; Solution
Thu, Jul. 13 Intro to Numpy
Mon, Jul. 17 Intro to Numpy Intro to Matplotlib
Tue, Jul. 18 Intro to Matplotlib
Wed, Jul. 19 Python Review Homework 2 due by 3pm; Solution
Thu, Jul. 20 Numerical Accuracy Numerical Integration
Mon, Jul. 24 Numerical Integration
Tue, Jul. 25 Numerical Integration Numerical Differentiation
Wed, Jul. 26 Numerical Differentiation Homework 3 due by 3pm; Solution; Midterm assigned
Thu, Jul. 27 Numerical ODEs
Fri, Jul. 28 Midterm due by 6pm
Mon, Jul. 31 Numerical ODEs
Tue, Aug. 1 Numerical ODEs; Boundary Value Problems
Wed, Aug. 2 Fourier Transforms
Thu, Aug. 3
Fri, Aug. 4 Homework 4 due by 3pm; Start thinking about Final Projects
Mon, Aug. 7 3D Animation w/ VPython Confirm w/ me about your Final Project
Tue, Aug. 8 Linear Regression Homework5 due by 3pm
Wed, Aug. 9 Linear Regression
Thu, Aug. 10 Last day of class
Mon, Aug. 14 No class Final projects due by 6pm